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The meaning of flowers according to Feng Shui

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Flowers & Gifts in Feng Shui | Cách đặt bình hoa hợp phong thủy
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Flower is a symbol of beauty, sophistication and also contains energy prosperity, good luck.

For a long time, feng shui was used with the meaning of flowers auxiliary air supply is good for the house and the landlord. When it comes to the decoration according to feng shui, you need to pay attention to flowers, color and quantity. Here are 6 flowers are often used in feng shui.
1. Peony

Peony is used in feng shui with the desire to bring the romantic couples and dispel any discord in love. You can use some pink peony to exert the strongest effect. Peony is often referred to as the flower of feminine beauty girl.

2. Lotus

The lotus flower symbolizes perfection. Thanks to the beauty and fragrance of pure entangled stinking mud of a lotus flower which is preferred in feng shui. According to Oriental medicine, all components of the lotus, from roots to flowers have healing effects. Therefore, Feng Shui uses the meaning lotus gives homeowners abundant health, healthy, disease-free and create harmony, luxury homes.

3. Peach blossoms


PhotoXuân Tùng.

The branches bloom is used to provide energy for a new beginning, a feeling of freshness, purity and innocence. peach blossoms is very popular in feng shui. The branches of fresh plugged in to the spring festival feels fresh and fun for the house owner.

4. Orchids

Flower charming beauty and fragrance extremely luxurious and noble This has long been a symbol of proliferatethe in classical feng shui. In orchids, people always feel the energy of the natural abundance, motivates us to search for the perfect wholeness. Richness, diversity, perfect in every species of orchids, the scent of pure beauty that nature bestowed this flower makes more luxurious homes.

5. Narcissus 

If you are experiencing problems related to work, career, then put his side bottle pure white narcissus. In feng shui, narcissus was used to bring the auxiliary power source for talented, career, professional and evoked potentials of the human innate. Also, Narcissus was a natural remedy to promote creativity in people and we can help solve the conundrum of daily work. Compared with the yellow narcissus white narcissus are more effective and more widely used.

6. Daisies


Photo: Minh Quân.

In feng shui, chrysanthemums symbolize a peaceful life balance. With the colors of the sun blazing, daisies in her powerful positive energy. Therefore it is often used to attract good fortune and all members of the family.
Placing a vase of fresh flowers in the colors to get the energy supplement is the perfect choice. Without care conditions flowers, you can put the picture of the flower above is also very good for the house and the family members.
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(By vnExpress - translated by Google translator)
