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The meaning of Carnation flowers

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Language of Flowers | HOA HƯỚNG DƯƠNG MANG Ý NGHĨA GÌ?
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Carnations are popular flowers among brides, florists and flower lovers of all kinds. The unique, ruffled petals and wide color variety make carnations a good garden choice. According to the language of flowers, each color carnation carries its own special meaning. When you give the gift of carnations, you're actually sending a clear message. Find out what yellow carnations mean before incorporating them into your gift-giving ideas.


Popular legend holds that carnations appeared during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As the story goes, the Virgin Mary wept upon seeing her son carrying his cross up the hill. Where her tears fell, carnations bloomed. Historically, carnations have been cultivated since ancient Grecian times, where the blooms were used in celebratory garlands. The word carnation translates into "flowers of God." Carnations are native to Eurasia, but they are grown by florists and gardeners all over the world.


Carnations are popular among flower sellers and buyers because the cut blooms are incredibly hardy and long-lasting. Each carnation bloom contains five petals, and grows in a wide variety of colors, including yellow. Some double-petal varieties of carnations will bloom with as many as 40 petals. The flowers grow 6 to 8.5 centimeters around on forked or branched clusters. Carnations grow best in sandy soil, and require some full sun every day in order to bloom.


Many kinds of carnations exist, but the three most common are annual, border and perpetual-flowering. Carnation flowers also bloom in three ways: large blossoms, with a single flower on each stem; mini (or spray), which bloom with many smaller flowers; and dwarf, which are carnation flowers that are even smaller than minis.


Ancient Romans knew carnations as "Jove's Flower," using the blossoms in important ceremonies dedicated to the gods. Carnations are also significant in Korea, where the flowers are used to tell fortunes. Every color of carnation is assigned a specific meaning and message, making it possible to convey a variety of emotions and thoughts with a single arrangement of the flowers. Carnations are popularly known as a symbol for Mother's Day, a tradition that has been in effect since 1907.


Generally, carnation flowers of any color may be used to convey affection, health, love and interest. The language of flowers tells us that yellow carnations, specifically, convey a message of rejection or disdain. Yellow carnations may also be used to offer a message of disappointment or even dejection.

White Carnations

White carnations symbolize pure love and good luck. They represent devotion and sweet love.

Red Carnations

Red carnations represent passion and admiration. Red signifies deep love, the "I can't live without you" love and passion that hopeful romantics love to give and receive.

Purple Carnations

Though gorgeous to look at, purple carnations have the most tragic of carnation symbolism. Purple carnations stand for capriciousness, fickleness and unreliability.

Yellow Carnations

Watch out for the bearer of yellow carnations. The symbolic meaning behind the yellow carnation is disdain, rejection and disappointment. At least you will know where you stand if you receive yellow carnations, provided the person who presented them to you was wise enough to look up their symbolic meaning to begin with.

Pink Carnations

This emblem of Mother's day began with the belief that pink carnations first appeared from the Virgin Mary's tears. They are a symbol of a mother's undying love. Pink carnations are also associated with happiness and says to the recipient "I'll always remember you."

By eHow
